Treasure Island Illustrated Readers Book With CD

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This series aims to introduce students to a range of classic stories and plays. The stories are presented in an entertaining cartoon format to encourage students to enjoy reading as they acquire the language. Each story is developed in a number of episodes. For each episode there is a page of activities to check student's understanding and to encourage classroom discussion. Each book also contains a biography of the author, an outline of the plot and characters, photo dictionary and glossary. A CD of each story is also available. This includes a file which contains the answers to all the activities.
AutoresEvans, Virginia; Dooley, Jenny
EditoraExpress Publishing
Coleção/SerieIllustrated Readers
IdiomaInglês Britânico
Faixa etáriaAdolescentes (11-14) à Adultos (+21)
Níveis de ensinoIniciante (A1) à Avançado (C1)
Ano de edição2000
Dimensões 24,00 X 19,20
Pague com
  • Pagali
  • Pix

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