Saving The Amazon Together - Footprint Reading Library - British English - Level 7 - Book

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The Amazon rain forest is in crisis. Illegal miners are destroying the homes of millions of plants and animals; however, one group of scientists is exploring the far off regions of a newly formed national park to stop the destruction. How can they help to save the rain forest? Who will they get to help them?
Autor(a)Waring, Rob (Autor)
EditoraNational Geographic Learning - Cengage
Coleção/SerieFootprint Reading Library
IdiomaInglês Britânico
Faixa etáriaAdolescentes (11-14)
Níveis de ensinoElementar (A2) à Avançado (C1)
Ano de edição2009
Dimensões 20,60 X 14,70
R$ 40,00 R$ 5,00
ou R$ 4,75 via Pix
Comprar Estoque: 2 dias úteis
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