English Party 3 - Student's Book

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English is an exciting new 4-level course of English for primary school pupils. Written by Günter Gerngross and Hebert Puchta, authors of the International bestseller Join In, English Party reflects the latest reserach in the field of communicative methodology and the teaching of English. In the company of Alex the crocodile, Hannah the hippo, Polly the parrot and Ben the bear, who follow the children throughout level one, learning English with 'English Party' is a highly motivating and enjoyable experience.
AutoresGerngross, Günter; Puchta, Herbert
EditoraEli - European Language Institute
Coleção/SerieEnglish Party
IdiomaInglês Britânico
Faixa etáriaInfantil (06-10)
Níveis de ensinoIniciante (A1)
Ano de edição2004
Dimensões0028,60 X 0019,50

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