Essential Speaking Skills - A Handbook For English Language Teachers

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Practical And Easy To Use, Essential Speaking Skills Is The Definitive Guide To Teaching Spoken English For Teachers And Teacher Trainers Of Students Worldwide.

brimming With Invaluable Advice On Teaching Approaches And Practical Classroom Ideas And Learning Activities, The Handbook Is Specifically Designed For Teachers Who Teach Large Classes With Very Few Resources. The Clear Explanations And The Activities Are Suited To Both New And Experienced Teachers Of English, And Can Be Used In Junior And Senior Secondary School Classrooms And For Adult Learners.
ISBN 9780826458452
Autores Baker, Joanna ; Westrup, Heather
Editora Continuum International Publishing
Idioma Inglês Americano
Faixa etária Adultos (+21)
Ano de edição 2003
Páginas 176
Dimensões 023,40 X 015,50

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